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Our Climate-Action-as-a-Service platform connects the carbon credit infrastructure to businesses, consumers, and organizations for direct contribution to carbon removal, powered by the Cloverly API.

Use Cases

Every industry has a carbon footprint. Offset yours with the Cloverly API and get on the path to net-zero emissions.

Not sure where to begin?
Contact us and we'll help you make a sustainability plan with Cloverly.

Developer Resources

Find all the resources you need to start your climate-positive journey.


Cloverly is on a mission to neutralize emissions through carbon removals and offsets. We make it easy to make a difference for people and the planet.

31 Dec 2019
Most adults say they take proenvironment actions

A majority of US adults take specific action in their daily lives to protect the environment. Or at least they say they do. We think that's a great reason to give them the...

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24 Dec 2019
Save the planet? No, save ourselves

We should all use Cloverly to green our ecommerce shipping because we want to save the planet, right? Well, not exactly. We should all use Cloverly to green our ecommerce...

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17 Dec 2019
Are your customers green? Get Cloverly and find out

If you have an ecommerce store, then you can learn how much your customers care about sustainability, at no cost to you. Simply install the Cloverly app. With our standard...

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11 Dec 2019
6-second videos show 50 years of glacial changes

This is so cool (literally): NASA has just released satellite-view time-lapse videos of glaciers in Alaska and Yukon—each squeezing nearly 50 years' worth of changes into 6...

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6 Dec 2019
In November, Cloverly greened 5.8 million pounds of carbon

So, November was kind of a big month for Cloverly in terms of the amount of carbon emissions we greened on behalf of our customers. In October, the total was almost 700,000...

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5 Dec 2019
New Georgia Tech building leaps past sustainability

Sustainability? The newest structure at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta goes way beyond sustainability. The Kendeda Building for Innovative Sustainable Design...

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26 Nov 2019
Gaming's environmental impact and how to green it

Video gaming is one of the largest sectors of the entertainment industry. US video game revenue hit $44 billion in 2018, more than the combined worldwide movie box office of $42...

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22 Nov 2019
Nonprofit wants to spread fake sand to save Arctic ice

A nonprofit group called Ice911 Research says it can slow the melting of Arctic ice—and thus slow climate change—by spreading strategic areas of the ice with artificial white...

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21 Nov 2019
Our Green Sources: Solar Power Heats Up In Georgia

At Cloverly, we can help offset or avoid the carbon costs of everyday activities. (You can find details here.) To do that, we invest in a variety of green projects. Here’s a look...

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19 Nov 2019
What kinds of businesses use Cloverly? Your kind

It's easy to explain what Cloverly does. Sometimes, it's a little harder to show how your particular business can use Cloverly. So let's look at some examples. First, the "what...

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